The performative presentation will introduce Office for joint administrative Intelligence's work across a wide variety of mediums including installation, bureaucracy. urban reconnaissance and radio broadcasts. The talk will focus on the strategy of self-institutionalisation which is central to the practice- whereby ceremonies, terminology, and other levers of corporate and political control are appropriated and repurposed as tools for research, performance, and structuring intimacy. The presentation will be in English. The talk is followed by two days of Urban Reconnaissance workshops instructed by O.J.A.I. focused on pedestrian tunnel infrastructure in down town Chisinau.
O.J.A.I. is invited to participate by Oberliht Association in the context of Edu-Art 2020 - art research and cultural activism on the periphery. The project is generously supported by Administraţia Fondului Cultural Naţional din România (AFCN).
Zpațiu / Zpace Artist Talk
103 Strada Alexei Şciusev 24 September 19:00hrs